PhD and/or Postdoctoral positions
a. Project description
PhD and/or Postdoctoral positions are available for an motivated individual to work with Prof. Kyung Hwan Kim in the areas of X-ray scattering, X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy of water (ice), catalytic reactions, and protein dynamics at X-ray lasers and synchrotron radiation facilities. Development of the chamber (end-station) and sample preparation in the lab is also included. The PhD students and postdoctoral fellow should travel frequently to PAL-XFEL in Korea, MAXIV in Sweden, DESY and European XFEL in Germany, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in US, and SACLA in Japan.
b. Qualification requirements
Applicants for PhD positions are expected to hold a Bacholar degree in chemistry, physics, life science, or related fields.
Applicants for postdoctoral positions are expected to hold a PhD degree or an equivalent degree in chemistry, physics, life science or related fields. Preferred backgrounds are following:
X-ray scattering or spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation or FELs.
Molecular dynamics simulations.
c. Contact
Further information about the position can be obtained from Prof. Kyung Hwan Kim, kimkyunghwan84@gmail.com